Title: Saving Savannah
Author: Sandra Hill
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Jinx Series (Prequel)
Length: E-Book short
Summary: Sorry, there isn't one! But to give you a bit of a clue, Savannah fell in love 5 years ago, when suddenly her fiance was sent off to war. She later finds out she's pregnant, and tries to write to him, but her letter didn't get to him until 5 years. She's moved on, since his *witch* of a mother made her believe that he had died instead of being a POW, and kept all of Matt's letters to Savannah. Now he's finally home, and with the help of Tante Lulu's meddling, he's found his love and his daughter.
My Thoughts:
This was an e-book short that I received for free from being on the author's mailing list, a sort of prequel for her upcoming novel, So Into You. It's not very long, only 31 pages, and it was a bit rushed (but what short story doesn't feel that way, right?), but all in all, it wasn't a bad read, and I enjoyed parts of it.
The characters, while not developed very well in this short (but this is part of a series, so I'm sure they are better developed in the other books) did grab my attention, and I'm curious to read Hill's other novels. The meddling aunt sounds like an interesting person, always poking her nose into other people's business!
3.5 STARS! Witty at times, a bit touching at others (love rekindled after a troublesome mother keeps the two from being able to find each other). Just enough to 'whet the whistle' as they say. If you get the chance to find this e-book short in your inbox, go for it-- it may not be the best romance out there, but it's a charming enough shorty to tide you over until you find her other books. And if you can't find this novella, then read her other books-- I've heard good things about them, from her Viking Series to her contemporaries, I'm sure you'll find something you'll like! ;)
Until Next Time,

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Friday, July 17, 2009
Short Review: "Saving Savannah"
3.5 Stars
TBQ's Reviews
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